While you don't need to know all these tips and tricks word by word, they are a good rule of thumb. Please remember that it is always okay to ask for help. Danes may not approach you out of respect for your private space, but if you are the one to reach out first, they will never reject you.
8 quick tips for meeting the Danes
Of course, people are different, but most Danes will agree that these 8 tips are essential for a successful club- and association life.
Ask questions
About the traditions, customs, and unwritten rules of your new club or association - initiate conversation and get to know the community better.
Seasons for activities may vary
For instance, the tennis season starts in May. Don't be frustrated if you cannot start right away. There may be waiting lists for popular activities.
Remember to cancel
Either by phone or e-mail whenever you are unable to participate in the activities of the club or association. Moreover, the Danes are known for their punctuality - so it is a good idea to show up on time!
Remind people to speak English
Or alternatively, find someone who can translate for you. It is not rude to ask for, and just shows your initiative to be part of the group.
Danes love cake
Bring cake on your birthday or beer for the team when celebrating. Danes enjoy all kinds of celebrations - it gives a good excuse for eating sweets.
Become a volunteer
Members of Danish clubs and associations commonly take turns driving for tournaments, baking or cooking for events, washing the team uniforms, staying to help tidy up, etc.
Religion is rarely talked about
Although nearly 80% of the Danish population are members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, Danes rarely participate in ceremonies - also they tend to be private about their religious views.
Danes might seem reserved
At first! Take the initiative, introduce yourself, and ask questions - you will find that they are outspoken and warm-hearted people once you get under their skin.