Contact International Community
If you have any comments, suggestions, or questions about our work, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.
Jesper Theil
jt@erhvervaarhus.dk31 53 60 60- Strategic planning and execution
- PR and press
- Political communication/Public affairs
- Communication
Helle Bastrup Jørgensen Responsible for business-oriented programs focused on attraction and retention of international employees
International Community
info@internationalcommunity.dk8612 7200International Community
c/o Erhverv Aarhus
Søndergade 4
8000 Aarhus C
Contact the International talent-attraction team
The team focuses on international talent attraction in the EU. Projects: Headstart, Talent to a green Denmark, and Lighthouse Water Tech.
Amélie Drouet
ad@erhvervaarhus.dk61 92 73 30- Responsible for place branding activities and ambassador networks
- Seconded by Aarhus Kommune 2022-2025
Yara Henriques Coordinator for the international Welcome Buddy program
- Seconded by Aarhus Kommune 2022-2025
Contact Erhverv Aarhus
Here you will find contact information for all employees in Erhverv Aarhus
Lars Møller Andersen
lma@erhvervaarhus.dk30 14 99 60- Extern collaborator with Business Park Skejby, Braband Business Cooperations, and East Jutland freight forwarder
- Political communication/Public Affairs
- Focus area of Business & Sustainable Development Goals
Line Loft Pedersen
llp@erhvervaarhus.dk30 14 99 62- Member data
- Events
- Administration
- Calender management
Benjamin Andersen Responsible for the employment project GATE
- Political communication/Public affairs

Kristine Holst Rasmussen Business and culture collaborator
- Events
- Networking
- Development cooperations